Everyday happenings in the Pottery Studio

Here Donn is Glazing his Pottery, preparing for a forthcoming wood firing in Hamilton. Experimenting at all times is an important part of his work.

When working in the studio I often work in a series. That means making many pieces of one item at a time. This allows for a nice flow in the work day. Here is a series of small one cup teapots.

Contributing to the future of my craft has always been an important aspect of my work. Helping the next generation of Potters, here is Donn assisting a legally blind student make Pottery.

Doing large commissions is another part of our Studio work. This commission is being done for the Brant Catholic School Board. Involving some 45 large 24-inch bowls with carving on the rim.

Decorating the Glazed Pottery. Here Donn adds oxides to the surface of the piece to add colour and definition.

After weeks of work, it is always a treat to open a glaze firing. You never know exactly how things will work out as the atmosphere and temperature have a lot to do with the final outcome. It's like Christmas every time we open the kiln.